Cloning the JVC IF-C01COMG card

Update: Find a full-size THT version here:

Update: Through hole (THT) version here.

So I bought a couple of the JVC TM-H1950CG monitors, and they are crazy awesome, BUT only have composite and S-Video inputs by default.

As I was going to use these monitors for retro gaming I really wanted RGB(S) input and preferably with SCART.

I saw in the manual that a card existed to supply RGB input through BNC, the IF-C01COMG card. This card is rather rare and cost a fortune.
So while I searched for it, I found people RGB modding the monitor directly, by inputting the RGB signal directly to the “jungle” IC, which of course would work, however interfacing directly to the IC like this, seemed a bad idea ESD wise and so on.
So searching on, I stumbled upon this. This guy had looked into the original card and found that it was quite simple, and basically is some input protection, signal conditioning and so on, with rather simple components (roughly some transistors, resistors and capacitors). He (and many others I’ve found out) has built the circuit onto perf-board with excellent results. I prefer “real” PCBs so I put it all into KiCad (so awesome application) and made a PCB for it. The result is this.

Since I prefer SCART, and others might prefer BNC, some RCA, I thought that instead of making different boards, I would design it as a base board with the actual functionality of IF-C01COMG, but with the input connectors moved to a separate “daughter” board. This would also save PCB space which is expensive. I decided to use SMD components to save space, but decided on 0805 size as they’re possible to solder with “normal” equipment.
The SCART input board can be found here.


In order to fix the input board to the chassis, I designed a bracket to hold the SCART board, which can be 3D printed. The bracket can be found here.

I also have an untested BNC input board, check it out here.

KiCad project here:

So if you’re having trouble getting the real deal, here’s an option to fix your JVC monitor up with *real* RGB 🙂

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